Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Carrot Cake and Sweet Potato Fries

This is going to be a food post as I've not had the forethought to take my camera with me when I go down to do the chickens in my brand new awesome eggmobile, look for that post coming soon :)

    So this morning I was low on energy and not feeling like doing much, I worked out yesterday, and spent half the day in town, which always wipes me out.  So I decided some yummy food might perk me up, I made a carrot cake out of my favorite recipe.  It's not so smart to make cake this early in the day, there might not be any left by the time my husband gets home...  Oh well, I'll make sure not to pig out too much.  To help prevent too much overeating of cake, I'm making Sweet Potato Fries, one of my favorite foods ever.  I've never liked sweet potatoes, until about 6 months ago, I had some that needed to be eaten, and I tried a fry recipe.  Now I eat them like candy, they are so super good.

Slice up your sweet potatoes, I prefer to peel them just because most pesticides and chemicals are in the outer layer, and these are not organic unfortunately.  Then throw them in a bowl, splash olive oil generously over them, then sprinkle (douse) them with paprika, chili powder, and salt.

Stir them up and spread on a heavily greased baking sheet, if you don't grease it you'll have stuck fries.  Bake on 400 or so until they are done, usually I take them out when the little ones are nice and crispy, and I try to stir them once or twice.  Right now mine are baking at 350 because they are in with the cake, which means it's going to take longer and I'm starving...

Meanwhile, my older two are swimming in the pool, they wish...  They've been begging me for a pool but I'm too cheap, um, thrifty, to buy them one.  So they make do with what they've got.

And then the baby, who loves anything with an edge, or anything that can cause blunt trauma, or anything with a motor, is "helping" chop sweet potatoes.  For a while every time I turned my back he would remove all the knives from the silverware drawer and play with them.  I had to put them all up in a high cabinet to keep them away from him.  He's pretty careful with them, well, at least he never stabbed himself and he still has all his fingers.

And then, finally, time to eat!  Of course I was too busy stuffing my face to take a picture, only when my stomach started urgently signalling me to stop eating did I think of the camera.  Here's the leftovers, not very much left out of a three pound bag of sweet potatoes.  We did also finish off the Venison Stew, we didn't just eat sweet potatoes, that wouldn't have been a very balanced meal.  Though actually the cake has a dozen eggs in it so really I guess the meal would have been decently balanced just with the fries and the cake.  And the cake was oh so terribly good, thankfully I was pretty full already, else I would have probably eaten myself sick
And now for the recipes, I know you've been waiting patiently for this part.

Sweet Potato Fries (probably would serve 6 normal people)
3# bag of Sweet Potatoes
1/4 cup EV Olive Oil
2 tsp Chili Powder
1 1/2 tsp Paprika
1 tsp salt or to taste
 Peel potatoes if they are not organic and slice into fries. Mix the olive oil and spices in a bowl then drizzle on top of the potatoes, stir til coated then spread out on a greased baking sheet.  Bake at 400 for 30 minutes or until done, stir and flip them over about halfway thru.

Coconut Flour Carrot Cake
1 cup sifted coconut flour
½ cup butter, melted
½ cup milk, coconut or whole
12 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
½ cup honey
¼ tsp stevia or to taste
¾ teaspoon salt
1½ teaspoons ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
½ teaspoon ground cloves
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 ½ cups finely grated carrot
½ cup nuts, chopped
1/2 cup raisins (opt)
Combine butter, milk, eggs and vanilla. In a separate bowl, mix together sugar, salt and spices. Stir into wet mixture. Combine coconut flour with baking powder and whisk into batter until there are no lumps. Fold in carrots and nuts. Pour batter equally into 2 greased 8 or 9x1½ inch layer cake pans or one 9x9x2 inch pan. Bake at 350 degree’s for 35-40 minutes or until knife inserted into center comes out clean. Cool.

Cream Cheese Frosting
8 oz cold cream cheese
5 tbs unsalted butter
2 tsp vanilla
¼ cup honey
Stevia to taste
Beat and add additional sweetener until it reaches the taste and consistency you want.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Drag princesses and gardening

My son found some of his sister's dress up clothes and decided to try them on, this is the outcome.

I'm so beautiful
Oops, Cinderella lost her, um, his shoe

So then big sis had to get in on the fun and picture taking, the dress up clothes were a Christmas gift two years ago, they fit him better than they do her.
After the ball, with a bit of a hangover
Enough of adorable children...  Did you know that you could regrow celery!?!?!?!?  Organic celery costs close to $4.00 a bunch, and we can go through half a bunch just making Ants on a Log.  So I'm trying it out, the first time my celery had been in the frig a month, and then after I planted it the chickens dug it up twice and the dog once.  It tried to grow, but needless to say it failed miserably.  So I'm trying again, this one is taking off admirably well, I need to get it planted in the garden today, hopefully somewhere where the chickens can't get at it.  I did try to plant celery from seed this year, but it didn't make it, I planted it too late and didn't water it enough.  It seems to be rather delicate, I'll have to start earlier next year, and take better care of it.

One of the first "fruits" of my garden, besides greens, snow peas!  Of course, I could have been picking this a month ago, but I didn't get them planted as early as I should.  Now I need to find a good recipe for snow peas, I'm not a big fan of Chinese food, and that seems to be the main way to cook them.  I did find an Indian recipe for Potato's and Snow Peas, your supposed to use normal peas, not pod peas, but I don't care, I'm going to try it anyway.  This is the recipe I'm planning to try http://www.food.com/recipe/aaloo-mattar-indian-style-peas-and-potatoes-158223  
I'll let you know how it turns out.

Speaking of greens, here's my Kale, Collards, and Spinach.

And here's what they turn into: 

Saag Paneer
Chop up an onion and cook in butter
Chop up 3-4 cloves garlic and some fresh ginger and add to cooking onion
Add 1 1/2 tsp Cumin
1 1/2 tsp Coriander
1 tsp Curry
1/4 tsp Cayenne (if your kids aren't eating)
Stir that up then add a pound or so of greens.  Cook til wilted and tender.

Make this first, preferably a couple hours before hand. Dump a gallon or two of milk into a big pot, heat to 190 or so, dump in 1/2 cup or so white vinegar or lemon juice.  Stir until it's all separated into curds and whey.  Pour it all into some cheesecloth, stir in a tablespoon of salt or so and hang to drain.  Then chop into cubes and fry in butter.
Mix it all together and stuff your face!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Next up, Monterrey Jack and Cheddar

Accomplishing quality cheese making is the task I'm currently setting my sights on, we love cheese, way more than we probably should.  At least if I can make raw cheeses at home I don't have to worry about most of the unhealthy aspects of cheese.  Of the hard cheeses I've made Cheddar and Colby, unfortunately they are still curing so I don't even know yet if I'm just wasting my time.  I'm hoping and praying that they will be delicious, and I'm sure they will be, I actually followed the recipe's (for the most part, unusual for me) so they should be.  Monterrey Jack is a relatively easy cheese to make, unlike Cheddar, while Cheddar is our favorite, it's a pain to make and takes quite a bit of time hovering over the stove.  So I'm hoping we end up liking the Colby and Jack as much as the Cheddar, and I can just make them instead.  So I start out with three gallons of milk, as that's all my pot holds, I'm really wanting a bigger pot, 5 or 6 gallons would be nice, but I'm not sure where to find one.  Ah, the internet!  Yes, that would work, but I don't want to pay the $50 to $100 for one.   But I need to, it'd really make cheese making easier, I could make twice as much and save so much time.  My husband just spent some money at Uncle Sam's Outfitters on some toys so that means I'm allowed, right?  Actually, I bought him a gift cert to them for half off so it's kinda my fault he spent the money.  But I think I'm still allowed. Okay, so that was a little off topic.  Speaking of toys, I bought a new thermometer for cheese making.  It's so cool!  You can set the temp you want and it beeps when it gets there, so convenient.

  All the hard cheeses start out basically the same way, with warming the milk up to around 86 degrees, then adding your culture.  So far I've just been culturing with Mesophilic cultures, one of these days I'm going to get into thermophilic cheeses, Parmesan, Provolone, Swiss, the Italian cheeses.  After stirring in your culture you leave it sitting keeping it at 86 degrees for an hour.  Then you add rennet, which you have mixed with 1/4 cup of cool water, for what reason I don't know.  After stirring it in you let it set for another 45 minutes to an hour, the rennet curdles your milk and turns it into a solid, it looks about like custard at this stage.  When it's set you cut the curd into 1/4 inch to 2 inch cubes, depending on your recipe, then slowly heat it to around 110 degrees.  This is the PITA part, I usually do it in a sink of hot water, as your only supposed to raise the temperature 2 degrees per 5 minutes.  Having a double boiler would help, but I don't have one, so I fill the sink with 110-120 degree water and set the pot in it and do the best I can.
"Cooking" the curd in a sink full of hot water
You are supposed to stir frequently at this point to keep the curds from matting at the bottom, I tend to decide at this point to go out and water my garden for 5 minutes, which ends up being an hour, and totally forget about it.  Not the best thing to do, but following recipes isn't my strong point.  Then your supposed to hold it at that temperature for another hour or so, of course the sink water keeps cooling down which is a pain.  But I figure close enough is good enough, I hope.
  At that point the different cheeses will diverge, what you do at this stage makes them what they are, or something like that.

"Cheddaring" the curd
Cheddar you get to mess with for another couple of hours, what a pain, Colby and Jack are a bit easier and shorter.  You have to hold cheddar curds at a certain temp for an hour or so, flipping them often, that gives them the "cheddar" flavor. Then you get to shovel your curds into the press and squish them for 12-24 hours.  It's so neat taking your cheese out of the press, it actually kinda looks like cheese!  Then it gets to sit out on a rack and dry over the next day or two, in preparation for waxing, just don't forget it, it's rather depressing to find it covered in mold.  You also have to turn it twice a day to help it to dry out evenly.

Cheddar in the press, and Monterrey Jack air drying before waxing.  I have to increase the pressure on the Cheddar over the next 24 hours, starting at 10 pounds and ending up at 50.  I'm thankful for all the weights we have, they're in the way most of the time but work great for my homemade cheese press.  Unfortunately, the only free space I seem to have for this is on top of my chest freezer, it's a pain when I need to get into it during cheese pressing time.  I need more counter space, and a bigger house!

I decided to hold back some of the cheddar curds to munch on, and they are delicious.  I ate a bunch fresh, then sprinkled some garlic powder and fresh basil on the rest, and ate a bunch more.  This was after eating a big bowl of chicken soup for lunch, now I look three months pregnant, but dang was it good!  This is what's left, I saved some for my husband, I'm so generous.  Actually, I decided to make another batch and to make it all into cheddar curds, then I can bring some for snacks tomorrow as it's my "in town" day.  Unfortunately, that means I've got another 4 hours worth of cheese making, and it's already 3:00, oh well, obviously I've got plenty of extra time, else I wouldn't be wasting it on this computer.  Shame on me, there's clothes to fold and put away and floors to be cleaned and diapers to be sewn, ah well, back to the drudgery that is my life.  Just kidding, I love my life :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

My lovely cows

    I drag myself out of bed at 6am to milk, again, as I have for the past 400 plus days since I started milking.  It's completely worth it, except when I don't feel like it, and then it still is!  My cows decided this morning to make me come get them, instead of coming up to the gate, so now my feet are wet from the dew.  Sweet lovely cows...

Meet Sage, this is her 2nd lactation, Cherry is her calf from this year.  She's a pretty sweet cow, for the most part, well, for a cow.  She still kicks occasionally, and hits me in the face with her tail, but I guess that's just what cows do.

And here's CBC, wanna know what her name means?  Ha!  It stands for Crazy B*itch Cow, and she's earned it.  Thankfully she's settled down a lot in the last two years but when I started milking her she kicked me over and over and over again, I had to tie her to the wall to get milking done.  And that was when I hand milked so it meant she'd kick the bucket over numerous times as well.  Oh well, now she's almost my favorite cow, she definitely the best milker, she gives more milk and more cream than Sage, and she milks out twice as fast.  She rarely kicks me anymore, thankfully, though when she does she kicks hard and fast.  I love my milking stand, it protects me from getting kicked, before my husband and I built it I would have to jump when I felt them twitch, now I just laugh, "ha ha, you can't get me".

And then I get to carry the heavy tank, full of 5+ gallons of milk, into the house, sometimes it weighs as much as #60, no fun at all.  I do love having the milker, before hand it was so hard to keep the milk clean, an open bucket underneath a cow is just a bad thing, they aren't the cleanest animal's in the world, and don't even get me started about the flies.  Now I end up with pristine milk every time, and no carpel tunnel from hand milking, it's a win win situation!  I do strain the milk into the jars, just in case, I like to be doubly sure it's perfectly clean, and then I stick it into my freezer, which is dialed down as low as possible.  The thermometer this morning said -6 F, which is great as to have Grade A milk in a commercial dairy you need to be able to cool the milk to 40 degrees F in 2 hours.  I usually can accomplish that, or get very close, which helps the milk stay fresh longer. 

They gave 5 gallons this morning, that's about average, sometimes it's up around 6, depending on how lush the section of pasture is that they're on.  It hasn't rained in a couple weeks, so the pasture is suffering.  I'm trying to go 100% grass-fed, the cows get a handful of grain at milking, only because they wouldn't put their head in the stanchion if I didn't give them some.  Once I run out of grain, which is taking a while at a handful at a time, I'm going to use alfalfa pellets, then they'll be 100%, which is awesome, better milk quality, healthier cows.  Cows aren't designed to eat grain, they have four stomachs for a reason, to digest grass, eating grain messes up the pH in their rumen, and messes up their digestion.  Obviously a handful isn't going to affect much of anything, but think about cattle in feedlots, they are fed so much grain that they have to be butchered around 15 months of age, or they will die of liver failure.  Twenty five percent of feedlot cattle have liver abscesses, but what's great, according to the Beef Council, is that only severe abscesses affect cattle performance, and only about 6.5% have severe abscesses.  So no big deal that 25% of the beef in the store is from a sick animal, as long as it continues to grow quickly and produce as much meat as possible in the shortest period of time, it's perfectly ok!   Vote with your food dollars, that's the only way change will happen.  If you are looking for a good source for grass-fed small farm raised beef, contact me and I'll give you the info for a friend of mine who butchers and sells wonderful meat.
Okay, so I kind of got off on a tangent there, sorry about that :)

So next on the list of things I need to do today is to make another batch of Mozzarella, I bought some more citric acid yesterday, it's in the canning section at the grocery store, if your needing any.  To save on jar washing, I strained last night's milk right into my three gallon pot and stuck the whole thing in the frig, as I knew I was going to make some sort of cheese today.

And it turned out GREAT!!!  The last 3-4 times I made Mozzarella it just didn't turn out right, it would end up being hard and dry and rubbery.  This turned out super soft and stretchy and delicious!  I taste tested it several times :)  Yum, now I just wish I had fresh tomatoes in my garden to eat it with...  It won't be long.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Chickens, Cows, and Cheese

Wow, life has been busy and I haven't had much time with my computer.  We spent Mother's Day spread out between the three Mom's my husband and I have between us :)  So that meant Monday was "work your backside off day" to make up for having the day off Sunday.  My husband got a bunch done on the chicken house, it's got all the walls and roof framed out, I'm so excited, just wishing it was done.  I finally got sick of having a disgusting yard and locked the chickens up, they have a large grassy pen but still cluster around the door begging to be released to run free.   This picture also shows the shack they live in, I tacked it together without any help as it was supposed to be replaced quickly, unfortunately, it's taken much longer than that.  They don't seem to mind much though, it works.
Hopefully this next weekend we'll get the egg mobile finished and them out where their supposed to be.

The calves came up and wanted their picture taken so I obliged, actually, they wanted their bottle.  The one with the heart on her head was a couple days after Valentine's Day so she was named Valentine.  The other calf still doesn't really have a name, I decided since we couldn't think of a new name to just give her a previous calf's name, one that we sold a while back.  The kids don't agree, but I think it's fine, so I say her name is Cherry.

My Colby is ready to be waxed today, I made it two days ago, completely forgot to take pictures or blog about that...  But I'll document the waxing process at least.  I bought a pan at the thrift store for melting wax, as the pan isn't usable for anything but that for the future.  So when I was done with the cheddar, I just let the wax cool in the pan and stuck it in the cupboard for next time.  

Now I'm reheating it to dip the Colby in. Colby is a washed curd cheese that is simpler to make than Cheddar, and only has to cure 4-6 weeks, instead of the 2-12 months for Cheddar.  And I like Colby so I hope this turns out!  It looks kind of funny as it's got little pimples all over where the holes were in the mold, next time maybe I should leave the cheesecloth on the whole time, but I didn't want the wrinkles the cheesecloth left.  I guess I can't win.  I'm sure it'll still be edible.  I just wish my root cellar was finished, it's too hot to age at room temperature, and the frig is too cold, and I don't have enough extra room in my frig anyway.  But that's where it will go for now, until I come up with a better plan, or my root cellar gets done.  But I'm not holding my breath!  

Ready to age!  My lovely daughter made me the label, now we just have to be patient for another month.  Now I think I'll go make some Mozzarella, I'm ready for some instant gratification, I hate wait!(Princess Bride quote if you didn't notice)  I can't wait for my multitudes of Basil plants to get bigger, I made some Bocconcini, little mozzarella balls, marinated in pesto last year and it was to die for, except my dad stole it and ate it all.  Though I have to admit it was my fault, I accidentally left it at his house.  Oh well, I should have plenty of Basil this year and I'll make a bunch!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Weights, bugs, and monsters

Well, we had quite a day today, up at 6, then milking and chores as fast as possible, cooking our favorite pancake recipe (see below), loading up kids and milk and eggs in the car, and off to town to meet milk customers at 9:30.  After selling milk and eggs I trained at the gym, I'm starting a new strength program, I was getting bored with Starting Strength and decided to try Wendler's 5/3/1.  I warmed up with some jogging, 20# back squats and overhead squats and then did squats and bench press for my main workout  Then did some assistance work - 4 sets of 13 lunges (what I could do in the room I had) with 2- #20 dumbbells,  3 sets of 10 inverted rows, a few sets of push ups and then some stretching and just for fun, some handstands.  It's going to be hard to walk tomorrow, I can feel it already, yay!  Then I delivered some more milk, and then just for fun took the kids to TCBY, we had bought a 1/2 off coupon like Groupon several months ago and needed to use it before it expired.  Finally we got to head home sweet home.

Adult Potato Beetle
Nasty fat larva
It's been looking like rain off and on for the past couple of weeks, but we haven't received more than a few drops, so I went up to water the garden.  I'm thinking it's going to be time for some sort of irrigation system soon, it's getting to where it takes a couple hours to water everything, well, I guess I was also weeding and squishing bugs.  We are overrun with Potato Beetles, I loath the nasty things, the adults are hard bodied and hard to squish, the larva are little bulbous things that look like red dog ticks, and when you squish them they squirt fluorescent orange goo on you.  Keep your mouth closed when you squish, or else...  I usually get hit in the face a couple times, today they got me in the eye, and it burned!  It was awful, I was so angry, nasty bugs! So I squished a bunch more for revenge.

I have one chicken who keeps getting in the garden somehow, despite the fence.  Her favorite place is the compost pile, of course, but the problem is that I've planted bunches of squash in it, well, there used to be bunches, now there's like 6 left.  And this is the 3rd or so planting, the previous ones were scratched up as well.  I've got to find, or buy, some netting to throw over it until the plants get bigger, or kill a chicken...  Though it looked like she might have been  eating potato bugs, at least she was pecking something over in the potatoes before I ran her off, maybe I won't kill her.

I'm trying to find more space in my garden, and I spend too much time pulling weeds from the cement blocks lining my raised beds, so I'm seeing if filling them with herbs and other miscellaneous plants will 
work.  So far it's looking good, I've got probably 15 basil plants spread out around my beds, a couple dill, parsley, sage, even some bell peppers and jalapeno's I couldn't find a place for.  We shall see how it works, hopefully well.

When I got back to the house, there were MONSTERS leering at me thru the sliding glass door, ahhhhhhh!

Yummy Grain Free Pancakes
5 eggs
1/3 cup milk, cream, or coconut milk
1/2 cup almond flour
1/2 cup shredded coconut
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
Throw everything in the blender, blend it up, then make pancakes or waffles.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Mozzarella and butter

Two gallons for Mozzarella, plus some cream for butter

Well, in addition to my list, I forgot I also had to make Mozzarella and butter, my "milk frig" is so full I can't fit in any more milk so I have to use up some of it.  So I got working on that, the last couple times I made mozz it didn't turn out right, way too dry and tasteless, so I was determined to follow the recipe super close instead of winging it as usual.  Well, this only worked until I realized I was short of citric acid, but I had almost enough so I went for it.  It turned out ok, not great, but definitely edible.  

Stirring and heating the curd

Draining the curd
Ball of mozzarella in the brine

While making the cheese I also made a couple batches of butter, making butter in the blender is very simple, if you keep a close eye on it and don't overblend.  I usually dump it in, turn it on and go to work on something else, while keeping an ear on the blender.

What it looks like at the grainy stage
When I hear it change sounds, it's then "whipped cream" and I run back to it and pulse it until it turns grainy and starts to separate, I quit then, blending too long is a bad bad thing.  Then I dump it into a cloth lined bowl, and squeeze out the buttermilk.

Next I put the ball of butter into a pan of ice water and massage and squeeze and massage and squeeze over and over again until the buttermilk is all squeezed out and I have a beautiful shiny ball of butter.  This time I added a bit of salt and worked that in, it does help to keep the butter fresh longer.

Finally done and chilling

My butter bell, a great way to keep it fresh and soft at room temperature

  And now it's lunch time!  Time to use up some of that mozzarella and make pizza.  I had been saving 1/2 a head of cauliflower for this purpose, so I chopped it up and threw it in the food processor to "rice" it, I also shredded the mozzarella with the food processor as that's infinitely easier than by hand.  Throw in a couple eggs and some spices and you've got a super healthy, nutritious, and tasty pizza crust!

Crust before baking

Crust after baking

Yum!!!  It was a little juicy, I should have drained the sauce a bit first
I ate half of the pizza myself (or more), kids got the rest, it was delicious!  Unfortunately we were short on toppings, I chopped up a bit of unprocessed ham and some onions, hopefully we will have our own bell peppers, jalapeno's and fresh tomatoes soon and the next pizza will be quite a bit more loaded.

Cauliflower Pizza Crust
2 cups riced cauliflower
2 egg
2 cups mozzarella cheese
2 tsp basil
1 tsp oregano
2 tsp parsley

Mix all together, press into a very well greased pan or parchment paper.  Bake at 400 for about 15

So now it's almost 2:00 and nothing's done on the list, well, besides dishes washed... Ahhhhh, I'm tired and don't want to work anymore, time for coffee, that'll help, putting kids down for naps will help too!

As of 3:30 I've got the car cleaned and am starting on folding clothes!  Yay!  That coffee helped, plus I told the kids it was quiet time and they had to stay in their room, normally that means after 5 minutes they start up with "can we come out now"...  This time I said they could play in their room as long as they liked, but they couldn't come out until it was clean, they said "we'll stay in all day".  Ha!  Fine by me :)  So I've got peace and quiet and they are in there having a ball playing, it's still a mess but it'll get done eventually, probably once they start getting hungry.  Is that bad parenting?  I'm not sure...  Ok, back to work.

Well, now it's 6 and all the clothes are folded, house is picked up, the kids finally picked up their room, they needed a bit more incentive.  Supper is in the oven, I forgot to take pics but I went out to the garden, picked a mess of kale, collards, spinach, and turnip greens, sauteed onions in the butter I made this morning, and then added the greens.  Threw some eggs and milk and salt in the blender, crumbled some feta that I'd made a couple weeks ago, dumped it all together in a baking dish, threw some cheddar curds that I made a week ago and threw it in the oven.  Yay for semi-quick and easy supper, especially when I forgot to start until my poor starving husband gets home.  How just have to wait 30 minutes til it's cooked.
All done, time to stuff your face!

To Die For Spinach Quiche

1/2 cup butter
3 cloves garlic, chopped
1 small onion, chopped
10-16oz spinach, thawed and drained (if you use frozen) or chopped fresh
1 (4.5 ounce) can mushrooms, drained OR fresh mushrooms, chopped
1 (6 ounce) package herb and garlic feta, crumbled OR regular feta OR skip if you don’t have
1 (8 ounce) package shredded Cheddar cheese
salt and pepper to taste
6 eggs, beaten
1 cup milk or kefir or cream
salt and pepper to taste

1.Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).
2.In a medium skillet, melt butter over medium heat. Saute garlic and onion and mushrooms if your using fresh in butter until lightly browned, about 7 minutes. Stir in spinach, mushrooms (if your using canned), feta and half of the Cheddar cheese. Season with salt and pepper.
3.In a medium bowl, whisk together eggs and milk. Season with salt and pepper. Mix spinach stuff and egg stuff together and put in baking dish.
4. Sprinkle top with remaining Cheddar cheese, and bake 30-40 minutes, until set in center. Allow to stand 10 minutes before serving if you can handle waiting that long.