We managed to get a bit of school work done today before I ran out of patience, neither child was cooperating very well, actually all three of them were uncooperative. So I kicked them outside and went back to decluttering, I spent the entire evening yesterday getting rid of stuff after flipping out over a messy house. At least flipping out turned into something useful :) I got one garbage bag full of clothes gone, a box of shoes, a changing table that I've had for 6 years and never used for anything other than to pile stuff on, even our TV and VCR!!! We would pull that stupid thing, 19" 15 year old thing, out of the closet about once a year to watch a movie, totally not worth the space. If we want to watch something we have the computer, of course that means my poor husband can't watch any of his VHS's, not that he does that anyway, like I said, maybe once a year. Anyways, I went back to finding stuff to clear out and get rid of, I'm on a mission to build a school area, I want some sort of a kids desk with lots of shelves. I've got somewhat of a picture in mind but am not sure where to start, I guess I need to take some measurements and head to Lowes. I managed to clear out a corner in our back room, this is a super duper multipurpose room, it's got my 4x8' fabric cutting table plus a massive amount of fabric, the crib, probably 100' of loaded bookshelves, and the master closet with all our clothes. I neglected to mention this is the master bedroom that I moved us out of several years ago into a tiny room so I could put the big room to use... I need more room, badly!!! Oh well, I just have to declutter some more, and some more, and some more. And then organize! Not my strong points at all, I love throwing stuff away, but then I get in trouble, since my husband likes his stuff, and so do my kids. I was carrying out a kiddo chair thing to stick it in the car to go to the thrift store and massive amounts of tears erupted, I finally said they could take it to their tree house, where it will get ruined and then eventually I'll burn it, probably when they go off to college... Oh well, at least it's out of my house. Then it was time to cook lunch. Have you ever noticed your life is broken up into "wake up, clean house, cook food, clean house, cook food, clean house, cook food, clean house, go to bed"?
That pretty much seems like my life, I need a slave, one of these days I'm getting a slave... Okay, technically not a slave, but maid/housekeeper/cook /nanny/masseuse/hairdresser. Anyone want to apply? I think my husband needs a 2nd wife, the mail order type that's used to working hard for little to nothing. Anyways, that was me off on another tangent, happens quite a bit around here if you haven't noticed. I made some more super delicious Butternut Squash Cakes for lunch, I doubled the batch this time so there will be some leftovers for supper. Then I made a loaf of Grain Free Sandwich Bread, which didn't turn out as nice as hers but was definitely edible.

I also put my last butternut squash in the oven with the bread so I could make it into a Faux-Pumpkin Pie later, I'm now in love with butternut squash, it's just so versatile, I've got to go get a bunch more and find more yummy recipes.

Then I decided since the kids are in their room for quiet time, I get dessert! Some blueberry ice cream that I made yesterday, and no I'm not going to eat it all, that's just what I scraped all the leftovers out of the ice cream maker into. Well, I "might" not eat the whole bowl, we'll see. This froze much better than the previous ice cream, the addition of frozen blueberries gave it that extra chill to freeze somewhat firm. I did forget to put eggs in it, that's frustrating, I love putting raw eggs in ice cream for that wonderful added boost of nutrition. It also makes it creamier.
Now after all that cooking my kitchen needs cleaning, you can see all the clutter in the background of my pictures, unless you were too nice to notice. But heck with that, I'm going to go chill on the couch and read for a bit and maybe take a nap, then I'll clean later. Procrastination for the win! Or loss...
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