Picture from Nourished and Nurtured |
I was perusing the internet, as I do more than I should each day, I've got to put a limit on myself, someday... But I did find a neat blog with some great recipes,
Nourished and Nurtured. I made
her tortilla recipe for lunch and made quesadillas with cheese and tomatoes, and guacamole on the side. They turned out so super yummy! I loved the addition of cumin, dried onions, and garlic to the batter, that just did the trick, else I'm afraid they wouldn't have been so good, but then who knows, I bet they'd be great with some cream cheese and fruit for a treat. Frying them in butter also helped, pretty much you can fry anything in butter and it's going to be good. Of course, as usual, we ate them all before I got around to taking a pic, they were just too dang good! Even Chris liked them, which is saying something, he's kinda iffy about my weirder grain free baking. So I guess that means this isn't too weird.
What her's looks like |
Lately I've been reading how ice cream has basically the same macronutrient ratios as breast milk, great excuse to make ice cream, not that I need an excuse. And I still had two gallons of milk in the frig from last Wednesday that needed to be used, so I skimmed the cream for ice cream, and turned the rest into Mozzarella. Skim milk mozz isn't as good as whole milk, but I figure with pesto it'll still be good. Other option was to feed it to the chickens, but this way we get cheese and the chickens get the whey, so everyone/thing wins. The tortilla recipe called for egg whites, so I used just the yolks in the ice cream, which made it so super awesomely rich. I did about 3 cups cream, 1 cup milk, 6 egg yolks, two tablespoons raw sugar, I should have used honey but there's just a little bit left in the bottom of a one gallon jug and it's a pain to dig out. Plus a touch of stevia, vanilla, and peppermint flavoring. Oh holy cow it's good! Maybe not near as pretty as hers, but it's certainly edible :)
What mine looks like... |
I don't know how people get their ice cream to freeze so nicely... My ice cream maker is awesome, but it pretty much is always ice cream soup. Maybe because I overfill it every time, the silly thing only holds 1 quart, which isn't near enough!
On the kid/homeschooling side of life, also on Nourished and Nurtured, she has some homeschooling recommendations, one of which is a great, and free, phonics resource
Progressive Phonics. You can print phonics learning material for all different levels, and they are fun and entertaining, not the typical "bore you out of your mind" phonics readers. I printed off the first intermediate book for Ari and we did the first several pages, Tell sat with us and picked up some as well. He's really picking reading up fast, better than Ari that's for sure, thankfully, if I had to fight as hard with him as I do with her I think I would give up. We're working through the same book, Phonics Pathways, with both of them, Tell is doing 2-3 pages a day and I have to fight to get through one with Ari, I'm hoping when he catches up to her maybe she'll start feeling the competition and straighten out. If anyone has any great home school recommendations I'd love to hear them, right now we're doing The Well Trained Mind and whatever they recommend, I'm liking that style of teaching, at least what I've read so far. Since we're just in K/1st and preschool right now it's pretty simple, I know it's going to get harder and I'm not looking forwards to it :)
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